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Back in August 2023, I went to Six Flags America in Bowie, Maryland with a friend who lived in the area.
We went to three locations: Coffee & Cones, Hurricanes, and Colonial Cupboard. This review on these food items won’t be the best as this was around the time that I was starting to get my feet under me with Theme Park Bites and getting a feel for how I wanted to do my reviews and I wasn’t doing my due diligence of taking proper notes on the food.
However, I did do enough I think. ? Because of this the rating system will be a little bit different here, I’ll do a simple thumbs up, thumbs down, or shrug if the food is worth going for and I know that that isn’t the most helpful, but it is the most truthful.
Note: I do have a meal plan on my annual pass so one meal at Colonial Cupboard was taken care of.
Otherwise, give or take, the total was $60.
Coffee & Cones
Tillamook Ice Cream

Single Scoop (Butter Pecan) ▸ $7.99
Double Scoop (Cookies & Cream) ▸ $8.99
My friend, K, got the double scoop of Cookies & Cream and I went for a single scoop of Butter Pecan. They served Tillamook branded ice cream at the time we went, although I’m unsure if they still do, but I enjoyed the creaminess of the ice cream and so did K. The Butter Pecan was buttery, light, and overall very tasty.
K mentioned that her ice cream was tasty, but didn’t give any details beyond that.
K’s Rating: ??
TPB’s Rating: ??

Frozen Cherry ▸ $15.99
In lieu of the Electric Lemonade, I chose to get a 16 oz Frozen Cherry drink that was infused with rum. These drinks aren’t top-shelf, so the drinks aren’t particularly strong off the bat and aren’t necessarily the best tasting thing, but they do the trick if you’re in need of something.
It tasted heavily of cherry syrup, held its frozen state for most of the 20 minutes my friend and I sat at the counter, and I was given an extra shot ($3.50) for free to up the ante so I was happy. ? The only thing that sucked was not being able to use the Six Flags annual pass discount on the drinks. Womp, womp.
Rating: ??
Colonial Cupboard

Turkey Leg (with chips) ▸ $15.99
Hot Dog (with chips) ▸ $13.99
Pretzel (with cheese) ▸ $7.99
Considering how dry turkey can be the turkey leg was surprisingly moist. The skin was salty and moist, too and had that nice initial crunch you get biting into it. It was a very large leg and is shareable between more than one person and with how salty it is I’d wager that drinking a lot of water is what will be needed.
The hot dog was pretty tasty, if not a little crunchy (the snap of the outside layer of skin), but overall wasn’t bad. The bread was slightly stale probably due to it being taken out of the pack prior to assembly before we ordered.
And the pretzel while not bad definitely tastes better when warm. Didn’t eat the entire thing unfortunately and the radioactive cheese didn’t do it any favors.
K’s Rating: ??♀️
TPB’s Rating: ??♀️
Overall Thoughts
When it comes down to the real deal theme park foods at Six Flags America it’s lackluster and there’s nothing to write home about. As a matter of fact, you may want to skip it altogether and bring your own food and eat it outside in the parking lot (and if you need help with that, I have an article for that).
However, the name-branded items are going to do what they do in and outside of the park: shine. Even if they’re bottom shelf. ?
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